Song of the Week

Song of the Week

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Song of the Week
  • Cantor Schwartz Sings Ya Ribon – A Prayer for the Shabbat Dinner Table

    Ya Ribon is a prayer that connects the universal to the particular, from the immeasurable scale of the ruler of rulers to the local sacredness of Jerusalem. It is included in the siddur for home use – as Rabbi Cosgrove says in this video, “It's traditional on a Friday night and Shabbat day that y...

  • Keep My Tongue from Evil (Elohai N’tzor)

    Speech, the choice of which words we speak, and perhaps even those we do not, is a tremendous power and responsibility, one we do not always recognize and appreciate. If we think of the times we have given or received a word of encouragement or blessing and compare them with those occasions when ...

  • Kol Adonai – The Power of the Voice

    Can you think of a time when a voice affected you deeply and powerfully? It may not have been singing – imagine the voice of an authority figure speaking your name, the voice of a loved one calling out. We recognize in the voice the identity and intentions of those we know, and their state of bei...

  • A Virtual Visit to Israel

    As the eyes of the world are on Israel because of its national election, join us on a virtual aliyah to Jerusalem with Cantor Schwartz, as he prepared to collaborate with the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra this past year. The piece they performed together, Mechaye Hametim (“Resurrection of the Dead...

  • Prayer for Rain (Geshem)

    As our climate is changing, the story from Parashah Noach of a world-altering flood does not have to be merely imagined. On the other hand, we know that our world cannot survive without rain — in Israel, this is the time of year to start praying for rain, as it is needed to sustain life in a dese...

  • Eitz Chayim (“Tree of Life”) in Neo-Romantic Style

    In honor of Shabbat B’reishit, beginning the Torah cycle anew, we offer this setting of Eitz Chayim commissioned by PAS. Inspired by the 19th century tradition of Jewish music in the Ashkenazi sound world, PAS Music Director David Enlow wrote this piece in 2013. One hears the ‘Tree of Life” sprin...

  • Lo Amut: Rejoicing in the Hallel Service

    “I praise You for having answered me; You have become my deliverance.” When we embark on the joyful Hallel during Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret, we move through many kinds of joy. There is joy from overcoming trials, and joy at the simplest blessing, just being alive to see “the day the Lord has mad...

  • “I Pray to God” (Ohila La-El)

    In this prayer, featured here in a setting newly commissioned by PAS, we hope our pleas of the Days of Awe were not just heard but will be answered. Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and Happy Sukkot!

    Music: Elliot Weiss
    Music Director: David Enlow
    AV: Oscar Acevedo, Erik Van Batavia, Russell Miller

  • The Ultimate Kol Nidrei for Cantor, Choir, Organ, and Orchestra

    Cantor Meir Finkelstein’s best-known melody at PAS is L’dor Vador, which we sing during our Shabbat musaf service. However, on Kol Nidrei, the largest setting of the eponymous prayer that we offer is also a Finkelstein tune. We hope you find this piece beautiful and moving and may you and your lo...

  • B'Sefer Chayim ("In The Book of Life")

    To help us wish you a good and sweet new year, we want to share this new setting of B’Sefer Chayim we commissioned from our friend Beth Styles. The prayer asks that we be “inscribed for life, blessing, sustenance, and peace in the Book of Life.” There can be no better summary of our hopes for the...

  • Father & Son Duet: Hamol (“Have Compassion on Your Creation”)

    When Cantor Schwartz sings with his children on the High Holidays, it is a special moment for them and a joy for us to share.

    We’d like to invite you to join us online for High Holiday services at Park Avenue Synagogue. While in-person seating is limited, we are committed to broadcasting service...

  • A New York Synagogue Pays Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-2022

    This week, as we welcomed "Shabbat the Queen," Rabbi Cosgrove spoke about the effect of the monarch’s passing on all who grew up with her as head of state, including the Rabbi’s own parents. Her devotion to duty, wartime service, personal faith, and long service to her peoples have been a source ...

  • Hineni – “Here I Stand”

    We are getting ready for the High Holidays together, in ways we all recognize and also in ways that are special to each of us. This prayer, the chazzan’s personal prayer of approach, is always a high moment above many.

    This setting, originally chanted by Cantor Moishe Oysher in the mid-20th cent...

  • Shalom Aleichem to “September!"

    What secular month is upon us? "Do you remember" how we surprised Rabbi Cosgrove for his 50th birthday? What happens when the PAS Tijuana Brass come out from behind the bimah after services? Answers to these questions are found in this fun video. Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and a happy Labor Day...

  • Kaddish Shalem from Eastern Europe

    Celebrating Rosh Chodesh Elul tonight, we know the High Holidays are a month away! Let us start at the finish line: there is a lively tradition of singing the final Kaddish in a happy mode (unlike the mourners’ Kaddish Yatom) in the belief that our repentance has been accepted and that a good yea...

  • Cantor Schwartz Sings Adon Olam (“Eternal Lord”)

    Have you ever wondered why we end every Shabbat morning service with this prayer? The tradition dates back only to the 15th century, and the text itself only to the 11th. Unlike the psalms, this poem has a rhyme and regular meter. In fact, it shares a common meter with popular songs, which allows...

  • Haomnam – Will Forgiving and Graceful Days Yet Come?

    Will forgiving and graceful days yet come,
    When you will walk in the field like an innocent traveler,
    Your bare foot will touch the grass,
    Or the spica's thorns will prick you, and the pricking will be sweet?

    Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and a meaningful Tisha b’Av.

    A Poem by Leah Goldberg (...

  • “Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy” by Debbie Friedman: a Duet

    In these words, from Psalm 126, the psalmist comforts us with the idea that the labor of weeping leads to the harvest of joy, and it is the work of mourning that helps us move forward.

    Drawing this song from our June concert of Debbie Friedman’s music, the largest in-person gathering at the syn...

  • El Melekh Yoshev Al Kise Rahamim (Sovereign God Who Sits on a Throne of Mercy)

    This Shabbat, we bless the new month of Av, which gives us the opportunity to reflect on an old, pious custom: the keeping of Yom Kippur Katan (a “Minor” Yom Kippur, the day before the new month). When the new month begins on Shabbat, Yom Kippur Katan happens on Thursday.

    The idea, promulgated a...

  • “Guardian of Israel” – Shomer Yisrael

    Do you know this prayer? “Guardian of Israel, guard the people of Israel, let no harm come to the people of Israel, who proclaim Sh’ma Yisrael.” Can you think of a moment when you have said the Sh’ma and felt protection or warmth?

    This Sunday, as we observe the 17th of Tammuz (Shivah Asar B’Tamm...

  • Rabbi Buchdahl and Cantor Schwartz Sing Bob Dylan’s “Forever Young”

    Rabbi Nahman of Breslov once said, “Never get old!” We all change as we age, but why can’t that be a blessing? Aging not only adds to our life experience and wisdom, but it gives us opportunities to find the child in ourselves and continue to light the sparks of curiosity and joy from our youth. ...

  • Shema Yisrael – Hu Eloheinu (He Is Our God)

    A prayer on the wings of angels: South Africa, Jerusalem, New York

    In the Musaf service, towards the end of Saturday morning, the cantor, choir, and congregation sing melodies and texts in alternation, reenacting the sanctification of angels in the Kedusha. There is something special about these...

  • The Music of Debbie Friedman: Six Cantors Live in NYC

    What a gift it has been to celebrate the legacy of Debbie Friedman this week, with the largest number of people present in the sanctuary since December 2019, and so many participating online. We hope you enjoy such memorable moments, including people dancing in the aisles and everyone singing tog...

  • You Are There – A New Prayer Across Faiths

    In our world, it is not hard to find trouble, sorrow, want, and violence, yet we press toward repairing the world and bringing peace as much as we can. This song echoes Psalm 23, “When there is fear I cannot bear, I look to you, and you are there.” May this new video from our album Be the Light i...