Searching for (Bedikat) Hametz
Ridding ourselves of hametz (the stuff we aren’t supposed to eat during Passover) can be incredibly meaningful and fun. Check out the how and the why with Cantor Schwartz!
Passover’s Essential Messages
Watch Rabbi Cosgrove as he shares the dichotomous essential take-aways from the Passover seder.
Learn your favorite rabbis’ top ideas to spice up your seder this year.
Seder Plate 411
Ever wonder about the meaning behind the objects found on the seder plate? Watch Rabbi Solmsen explain the significance of each one.
Steps of the Seder
Did you know that the word seder means “order,” and that there actually is an order, a script, to what might seem like just a lot of endless prayers and words?
Four Rabbis, Four Children
What do The Four Children represent at the seder, and which child do your rabbis most identify with?
Why Four Cups of Wine?
Why not!? Just kidding. Listen to Rabbi Cosgrove solve this mystery.
Everything Afikomen
The most fun part! Find out the hidden meaning of the afikomen, and why it is our children’s task to find it
Where is Moses?
If Moses is the main man, how come his name never appears in the Haggadah?
History of the Seder
How did our seder come to look like it is? The answer may surprise you.
Lotsa Matzah
Why do we eat matzah and what is it really?
Elijah’s Open Door Policy
Who is Elijah anyway, and why do we invite him to our seder?
Wonderous Women of the Passover Story
Did you know that the real heroes of the Passover story are the women? Watch and find out why.