Rabbi Zauzmer: What Do Dry Bones Have To Do With Passover? (April 8, 2023)
Every year on the Shabbat during Passover, we read a selection from the Book of Ezekiel about dry bones, and commentators have long struggled to understand the connection to the holiday. Rabbi Zauzmer conducts a deep dive into the text and adds her own hypothesis as to whose bones are referred to and why they are critical to the message of Passover.
Up Next in Shabbat
Rabbi Cosgrove: The Story of Us (Apri...
The Haggadah gives us the opportunity to overlay our own stories onto the shared template of our people’s foundational narrative. Rabbi Cosgrove urges us to open our seders to challenging questions and to accept conflicting answers, understanding that there can be unity with diversity.
Rabbi Zuckerman: Reflections on Israe...
Rabbi Zuckerman reflects on his trip to Israel.
Rabbi Cosgrove: Nightmare Dressed Lik...
Purim is not simply playful, and the Megillah is not all merry. Rabbi Cosgrove uncovers the dark side of the tale of Esther and how the story has been turned around to justify violent acts. At this fraught time, we pray for a peaceful Purim.