Rabbinic Intern Pink: Standing at Sinai (February 15, 2025)
Rabbinic Intern Pink shares three midrashim with different takes about what happened at Mount Sinai and what lessons those teachings hold for us today.
Up Next in Shabbat
Rabbi Cosgrove: Looking Long (Novembe...
Following last week’s election, you may feel crushed and afraid or you may feel relieved and grateful. Rabbi Cosgrove counsels that whatever our reaction, each of us must move forward, working to realize our ideals with respect for those whose reactions differ from our own.
Rabbinic Intern Pink: Truth and Inter...
In this week’s Torah portion, negative filtering - framing the truth in a way that ignores the world's positives - led the Israelite spies astray. Rabbinic Intern Pink explains how the story teaches us the importance of hope, even in challenging times.
Summer Teachings: Rabbi Koffman (June...
Join Rabbi Koffman in a discussion of complicated and confusing texts, sibling rivalry, and the consequences of what happens when we talk about others.