Wine or Grape Juice?
Shabbat Across PAS
1m 17s
It’s a beverage battle for the ages! In one corner, full-bodied and fruity, we have wine. In the other, sugary and sweet, we have grape juice. Which do you prefer to drink during Shabbat dinner? Let the battle begin!
Up Next in Shabbat Across PAS
What is a Favorite Family Shabbat Tra...
Even with all of the traditions that keep Shabbat meaningful, we believe there is no one way to celebrate Shabbat! Everyone can experience the joys of Shabbat by making it their own. Whether your home is full of them, or has none, watch as our members and clergy share their favorite Shabbat tradi...
How Do We Say Blessings After the Sha...
To conclude the meal, we offer various verses of thanks that make up the birkat hamazon, the blessing after the meal. On Shabbat, one might add a few extra prayers for the special occasion. Join Cantor Reisner as she sings the blessings after meals.
Why Do We Say Blessings After the Meal?
After a spirited and joyful meal, we don't simply rush away from the table to enjoy the rest of Shabbat night. It's a time to pause, give thanks, and show appreciation for the food we were fortunate to enjoy. Learn why we say blessings after the meal with Rabbi Solmsen.