Rabbi Cosgrove: Go Blue!!! (January 6, 2024)
How is being Jewish akin to being a Michigan Wolverine? Rabbi Cosgrove points to the pull of pride in belonging and the push of outside hostility that unite a group. As we confront the hostility unleashed on October 7, we must also retain our joy in living a Jewish life.
Up Next in Sermons
Rabbi Zauzmer: The Unknown Future (De...
We all wish we could know what lies ahead. Rabbi Zauzmer leads a discussion about the anxiety that comes from our inability to know the future.
Rabbinic Intern Aiden Pink: After Hap...
Rabbinic Intern Aiden Pink reflects on a lesser-known story from Genesis, and what it teaches us about the significance of having pride in one’s Judaism and having empathy for others.
Rabbi Cosgrove: Rabbi Dr. David Ellen...
How should a Jewish majority apply Jewish law and its principles in a sovereign Jewish state in the modern world? Rabbi Cosgrove honors the memory of his friend and teacher Rabbi David Ellenson, z”l, by introducing three of his articles that address this critical question.