Rabbinic Intern Pink: Stolen Land? (August 10, 2024)
New Release
One of the most frequent claims made by campus protesters over the last year is that Israel rests on stolen Palestinian land. Rabbinic Intern Aiden Pink analyzes their case - and brings teachings from the rabbinic tradition that take the conversation in a surprising direction.
Up Next in New Release
Am Yisrael Chai
This year, the cantors and music department have had a special focus on Israel, trying to instill hope in the wider Jewish community. As the conflict continues and we still await the release of all hostages, our annual album this year will be Am Yisrael Chai: An October 7th Commemorative Album, f...
What Would You Like Us to Record?
We’re working on the next PAS album, which we can’t wait to share with you this fall. What songs would you like us to record? Email [email protected] to let us know your ideas.
Hand in Hand: Arab-Jewish Partnership...
At a time when the divisions in Israel are greater than ever and Jews and Arabs live in separation, fear, and violence, Hand in Hand is on a mission to change the narrative. In this special session of Contemporary Jewish Thought, join Rabbi Zuckerman in dialogue with two leaders from Hand in Hand...