New Release

New Release

New videos

New Release
  • Rabbinic Intern Aiden Pink: An Elephant in the Sukkah? (Sukkot Day 2, 2024)

    Rabbinic Intern Aiden Pink discusses one of the oddest debates in the Talmud, and what it has to say about the message of Sukkot and the true meaning of Jewish community.

  • Rabbi Koffman: Ode to Joy (Sukkot Day 1, 2024)

    Rabbi Koffman explores what it means to find joy on Sukkot.

  • Rabbi Zuckerman: The Endurance of the Etrog (October 19, 2024)

    How have the Jewish people been able to endure and persevere in the face of exile and tragedy? Drawing on themes of the holiday of Sukkot, Rabbi Zuckerman reflects on the revolutionary ideas of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, a leading Zionist thinker of the early 20th century.

  • Shabbat Morning Service (October 19th, 2024)

  • Kabbalat Shabbat ( October 18th, 2024)

    Recharge your spirit with a musical, lively, family-friendly service. Come for the community, stay for the oneg!

  • Sukkot Festival Morning Service Day 2

    The festival of Sukkot derives its name from the sukkah, the temporary dwelling or booth built especially for the holiday. The rabbis disputed whether the term sukkah refers to actual booths or to the clouds of glory which made a Divine roof over Israel in the desert. Tradition combines these two...

  • Sukkot Festival Morning Service

    The festival of Sukkot derives its name from the sukkah, the temporary dwelling or booth built especially for the holiday. The rabbis disputed whether the term sukkah refers to actual booths or to the clouds of glory which made a Divine roof over Israel in the desert. Tradition combines these two...

  • October Rain

    Written in response to the events of October 7th, this song then appeared in the Eurovision contest as “Hurricane.” Cantor Schwartz sings the original lyrics as he does on our album, Am Yisrael Chai: An October 7th Commemorative Album, now available on our site and wherever you stream music.


  • Rabbi Cosgrove: Lt. Nathan Baskind, z"l (Kol Nidrei, 2024)

    Can you imagine peace between sworn enemies? Through the story of how Jews and former Nazis cooperated to find and reinter the remains of an American Jewish soldier buried in a German mass grave, Rabbi Cosgrove offers hope that the enmities of our day may also be resolved someday.

  • Rabbi Zuckerman: Carry Forth the Legacy (Yom Kippur, 2024)

    How do a people in exile maintain their traditions, ideals, and knowledge of history? Rabbi Zuckerman explains that Jewish survival is not dependent on rebuilding a physical structure, but rather by maintaining a structure of learning and nurturing Jewish identity, and how you can bring these str...

  • Rabbi Cosgrove: Shattered Vessels (Yom Kippur, 2024)

    What happens after a fragile vessel shatters? Rabbi Cosgrove teaches that the divine light of our loved ones remains even after they are no longer present, and especially at Yizkor, we can still gather their sparks.

  • Rabbi Koffman: We Will Dance Again (Yom Kippur, 2024)

    How do we heal from so much pain and loss this year? Rabbi Koffman reflects on what we can learn from the framework of Mourner’s Kaddish.

  • The World Today: Dr. Richard Haass in Conversation with Rabbi Cosgrove

    Dr. Richard Haass, a veteran diplomat and respected voice on U.S. foreign policy and international relations, will share insights on what has taken place in the Middle East and the world over the past year as well as offer his thoughts about what might be on the horizon. Stay after services for t...