Israel at War

Israel at War

“Israel is family to us all. In crisis - family steps up. May we all step up to the call... of this dark hour.”

Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove, Ph.D.

Israel at War
  • Bring Them Home

    This week we marked 100 days since 240 women, children, elderly people, and other innocent civilians were brutally abducted from their homes and held in captivity by Hamas, sitting in dark terrorist tunnels under the ground, their condition unknown. Our hearts are with those who have suffered and...

  • Remarks from Orit Meir and Galia David, Mothers of Hostages (Jan. 7, 2024)

    Orit Meir and Galia David, whose sons were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, addressed PAS at Kabbalat Shabbat.
    Meir is the mother of Almog Meir-Jan, a 21-year-old civilian. David is the mother of Evvatar David, a 23-year-old civilian.
    The abductees were filmed by Hamas, bound and in captivity ins...

  • Antisemitism and College Campuses

    We hosted a conversation with Rabbi Fein, the Senior Director of Engagement at Columbia/Barnard Hillel. We invited our college students and their families to join us for this conversation about antisemitism on college campuses. This evening provided our students an opportunity to embrace their J...

  • Israel, Antisemitism And Making Sense Of Campus Climate

    Floyd Abrams, described as “the most significant First Amendment lawyer of our age,” joins Rabbi Cosgrove in dialogue.

  • Rabbi Cosgrove: Rattled, Raw, and Resilient (December 9, 2023)

    What are you doing now to support Israel? Rabbi Cosgrove reflects on last week’s PAS mission to Israel, emphasizing the overwhelming solidarity of Israelis in caring for survivors of the October 7th attacks, advocating for the hostages, and supporting the soldiers.

  • Remarks from Yair Golan (December 8, 2023)

    During Kabbalat Shabbat, Yair Golan, Israeli politician and senior military officer, shared remarks.

  • Rabbi Zuckerman: When the Impossible Becomes Possible (December 2, 2023)

    David Ben-Gurion was well aware of the risks he took in founding the State of Israel, yet he pushed on despite his fears. Analogizing this with the Torah, Rabbi Zuckerman uses Jacob's extreme self-confidence to unlock the potential of the Jewish people of today, especially in the wake of October 7.

  • Remarks from Cardinal Dolan

    In his remarks during Kabbalat Shabbat, Cardinal Timothy Dolan recognizes the olive branches from neighbors and friends, including the Catholic Church, that the Jewish community needs at this time.

  • Israel 101: A Wider Look at Israel Past and Present, Part 2

    Get a better understanding of the latest developments happening in Israel by learning about the history of Israel and its land, previous conflicts and peace agreements, and Israel’s relationship with neighboring countries in the Middle East.

  • Rabbi Cosgrove: A Call to Action (November 18, 2023)

    What are you doing for Israel? Recalling the dramatic and united efforts of American Jewry to assist pre-State Israel, Rabbi Cosgrove calls on us to be united and unflagging in stepping up on all fronts to support Israel in the current war.

  • Remarks from U.S. Representative Ritchie Torres

    During Kabbalat Shabbat services, Representative Torres explained why he is outspoken against antisemitism, and asks why others have chosen silence.

  • Live Concert from Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv

    When Cantor Schwartz visited Ichilov Hospital on October 26, it wasn’t only to visit patients and staff, it was also personal – his sister, Dr. Renana Eitan, is head of Psychiatry at the hospital. The doctor, also a pianist, and our cantor sought to give everyone present a few moments of musical ...

  • Remarks from Ted Deutch

    The CEO of the American Jewish Committee speaks to PAS on the importance of standing up for one another as the war in Israel affects the Jewish community in the U.S.

  • Rabbi Cosgrove: Coping and Hoping (November 11, 2023)

    How do we move forward after a grievous loss? Recognizing that we have passed sh’loshim, thirty days since the horrendous attacks of October 7, Rabbi Cosgrove turns to our founding father Abraham’s family for a model of how even deeply estranged siblings can work toward a common future.

  • Israel 101: A Wider Look at Israel Past and Present

    Rabbis Solmsen and Zuckerman:

    Get a better understanding of the latest developments happening in Israel by learning about the history of Israel and its land, previous conflicts and peace agreements, and Israel’s relationship with neighboring countries in the Middle East.

  • Cantor Schwartz’s Visit to Israel, October 2023

    When Cantor Schwartz visited Israel, he noticed people rallying around what has become the watchword of the moment – Yahad N’natz’ah – “Together we will make it through.” Am Yisrael Chai.

    Piano: Raymond Goldstein
    Video: Tami Shaham, Alexander Kotov

  • Gili Roman, Brother of Israeli Hostage Yarden Roman (November 3, 2023)

    Gili Roman, brother of Israeli hostage Yarden Roman, shared his sister’s story with the PAS community.

  • Rabbi Zuckerman: Don't Look Away (November 4, 2023)

    Reflecting on his recent mission trip to Israel, which was both beautiful and heartbreaking, Rabbi Zuckerman reminds us that it is the responsibility of every Jewish person to not look away when our community is suffering, but rather attempt to put out the flames of a world on fire.

  • Clergy Reflection: Mission to Israel During Wartime

    Upon their return from recent clergy missions to Israel, Cantor Schwartz and Rabbi Zuckerman share reflections on their experiences of being there during this crisis and key takeaways from their journeys.

  • A Sea of Tears

    Since learning of the many kidnappings on October 7, amid images of families weeping for those taken captive, we join those families in their sorrow and hope for the hostages’ safe return. This week, Cantor Schwartz visited the Kotel, sometimes called the “Wall of Tears,” to try to bring comfort ...

  • Rabbi Cosgrove: The Great Awakening (October 28, 2023)

    Antisemitism? Here? Now? Rabbi Cosgrove teaches that the aftermath of October 7 has revealed not only verbal and physical attacks, but a “higher antisemitism” – a societal attitude that Jewish lives don’t matter.

  • Rabbi Zauzmer: The Courage to Speak Up (October 27, 2023)

    During this time of heightened antisemitism and anti-Zionism, Rabbi Zauzmer shares her frustration toward what's going on at college campuses, especially her alma mater, UPenn. She discusses what the young people at PAS are doing to speak up, and implores everyone to follow their example.

  • Cantor Schwartz Visits IDF Soldiers at Hadassah Hospital

    At Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, Cantor Schwartz paid a surprise visit to a brave IDF soldier who was wounded in a heroic battle on the first day of the war. IDF Chief Cantor Shai Avramson asked Cantor Schwartz to join the visit to the soldier, who enjoys listening to PAS Music online.

    We wis...

  • Rabbi Cosgrove: Israel's Just War (October 21, 2023)

    Is Israel fighting a just war? Rabbi Cosgrove reviews the Jewish laws of war to provide us with a vocabulary for understanding and defending Israel’s response to the Hamas terror attack of October 7.